4GSR Projects
Multipurpose Synchrotron Radiation is designed as a research infrastructure to increase the localization rate of core materials and parts with high overseas dependence and contribute to the improvement of related industrial competitiveness, while at the same time securing technology that can quickly respond to national and social problems such as the spread of COVID-19. When the multi-purpose radiation accelerator is built, it is expected to greatly contribute to securing basic science research capabilities such as physics, chemistry, and bioengineering as well as industrial applications such as convergence and advanced materials and parts, secondary batteries, semiconductors, and new drug development.
- Purpose
Construction of world-class multi-purpose radiation accelerator for industrial R&D support and leading basic and source research support
- Period
2021.7. ~ 2029.12.(8Years)
- Total project cost
1.1643 trillion won (national budget 964.3 billion won, local budget 200 billion won)
- Scale
Site 540,000㎡ (including base site 310,000㎡) / Total floor space 69,400㎡
- Host institution
Korea Basic Science Institute
- Propelling entity
Ministry of Science and ICT / Chungcheongbuk-do·Cheongju
Business information
- Beam emittance : 0.1nm rad or less
- Beam energy : 4GeV
- Circumference : about 800m
- Brightness : about 100 times that of Pohang 3rd generation accelerator
1 ~ 3 Industry Priority Support Beamline
4 ~ 10 Basic source research support
10 units built (final 40 units planned)
- BioPharma-BioSAXS
- Material Structure Analysis
- Soft X-ray Nano-probe
- Nanoscale Angle-resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy
- Coherent X-ray Diffraction
- Coherent Small-angle X-ray Scattering
- Real-time X-ray Absorption Fine Structure
- Bio Nano crystallography
- High Energy Microscopy
- Nano-probe